Domain News – May 2016

May 31 Deadline for $517,000 US in Internet-related Grants in Africa and Asia Pacific

If you are located in Africa or the Asia Pacific region, this coming Tuesday, May 31, is the application deadline for an excellent series of grants related to Internet infrastructure, development, security and education.

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542 Domain Name Transactions Done Lately – Sedo

It seems Sedo had a very productive sales period lately, being one of the 542 domain name transactions for a total of $1.5 million. bought with €50,000 by Leverton GmbH, who provides a technology for pulling out data from corporate documents. The most used of its webs addresses is

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2016 Board offsite: what’s in the cards for CENTR

Meeting to discuss the future of an association on such as CENTR, which is constantly working to best serve the needs of its members, is a wonderful but demanding challenge, especially considering the changing times in our industry. On 19- 20 April 2016, CENTR’s Board of Directors, together with the CENTR staff , met in Bruges, Belgium, to discuss path-breaking issues that will give directoon to the organisation and help definne CENTR’s goals for the year to come. The Board assessed the implementation of the 2016 strategy and came to conclusions, as well as a set of actions point.

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Letter to the ICANN Board of Directors concerning Global Meetings in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

May 4th., 2016 Dr. Steve Crocker Chair ICANN Board of Directors The Board of Directors of the Latin America and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry, LACNIC, the Board of Directors of the Latin America and Caribbean TLD Association, and the Board …
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DNSSEC Training In Rwanda For The .RW ccTLD

A two-day DNSSEC training seminar that happened in Kacyiru, Rwanda, sponsored by the Rwanda Information and Communication Technology Association (RICTA) in partnership with ICANN. The seminar took place over the last two days and the agenda looks quite good.