Category: New gTLDs

  • The comprehensive quick-guide to domain names

    More often than not, we can see the question “ what is the difference between domains”, asked by people who are thinking about registering a domain name for their business or personal website but can not decide which domain is right for them. Many people, that are not involved with working on the internet, cannot…

  • 500+ New gTLD Agreements Signed

    500+ New gTLD Agreements Signed

    During a recent webinar, a question was presented about what kinds of negotiated developments to the typical New gTLD Registry Understanding template happen to be agreed upon thus far between ICANN and registry applicants. As of 12 September 2014, ICANN has carried out 515 New gTLD Registry Deals. Throughout the last year, dozens of applicants…

  • Top 10 new gTLD  28 Aug 2014

    Top 10 new gTLD 28 Aug 2014

    .xyz — 455,943 .berlin — 137,262 .club — 98,670 guru — 68,918 wang — 60,738 photography —43,637 email 38,626 link 37,170 公司 (xn--55qx5d) 35,917