Category: Web Hosting

  • DigitalOcean Introducing Cloud Firewalls

    DigitalOcean Introducing Cloud Firewalls

    DigitalOcean announce the release of Cloud Firewalls. Cloud Firewalls help secure your Droplets and are free to enable. You can define which ports are visible on your Droplets and control which resources can access them. All without having to install and configure more software. It’s designed to be easy to use with groups of resources,…

  • How to set custom nameservers for domains registered with Godaddy

    How to set custom nameservers for domains registered with Godaddy

    If your domain name is registered with godaddy but hosted through another hosting company  you’ll need to set the custom nameservers for your domain. This Article will help you to change the nameservers for your domain name registered with godaddy. Seting custom nameservers Godaddy Log into your GoDaddy Account. Navigate to “My Domains” Locate the…

  • Redirecting a domain to a website with a query string

    Redirecting a domain to a website with a query string

      A permanent 301 redirect in the  .htaccess file lets search engines know that an old link has been replaced by a new one. It’s the recommended method for directing traffic from an existing page. Some common uses of a 301 .htaccess redirect to a new website with a query string:   wildcard redirection OLDDOMAIN.COM/XXX.php?YYY…

  • Web Hosting on a UNIX Server

    UNIX is a portable, multi-tasking and multi-user computer operating system originally developed by a group at AT&T Bell Labs. UNIX can communicate with many different types of computers, it is not limited to a specific brand, type, or operating system. Most UNIX operating systems come with a free email program called Sendmail. UNIX provides tight…

  • Save on Web Hosting

    Now’s a great time to order one of Irist’s web hosting plans. Their reliable, fast hosting plans feature personalized email accounts, the ability to host multiple domains, and an easy-to-use web control panel. Build your Business or Personal site with SiteBuilder, upload and share photos. Sell products or services online. Pay only $3.99/month.