Tag: htaccess

  • Redirecting a domain to a website with a query string

    Redirecting a domain to a website with a query string

      A permanent 301 redirect in the  .htaccess file lets search engines know that an old link has been replaced by a new one. It’s the recommended method for directing traffic from an existing page. Some common uses of a 301 .htaccess redirect to a new website with a query string:   wildcard redirection OLDDOMAIN.COM/XXX.php?YYY…

  • Redirect ALL files on your Domain Site Redirect Code

    Redirect ALL files on your Domain Site Redirect Code

      To redirect ALL files on your domain use this in your .htaccess  file if you are on a linux web server:   redirectMatch 301 ^(.*)$ http://www.site.net redirectMatch permanent ^(.*)$ http://www.site.net You can also use one of these in your .htaccess file: redirect 301 /index.php http://www.site.net/index.php redirect permanent /index.php http://www.site.net/index.php redirectpermanent /index.php http://www.site.net/index.php If you…

  • How to avoid logging of 404 missing files into error_log

    How to avoid logging of 404 missing files into error_log

      how to stop logging of 404 error? The Simple Method to to disable logging of 404  error into Apache error_log file is: – open .htaccess file – domain for which you want to disable logging missing files ( 404) – put bellow code into .htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond…